
Thursday, November 27, 2008


This is an oldie but a goodie. I probably did this 10 years ago but it was just after I had taken the year long intensive calligraphy class with Reggel Ezell so if you look at the calligraphy--it's not bad. It's actually about 14 x 14 so it is rather large. It's nicer in person because there is 24 carat gold dots all through it. But anyway, I love the Psalm. Tomorrow I will get back to the Poppies. I hope everyone has a blessed day!
Hope you enjoy our little vlog--Zach was at home still asleep!


  1. Hey Martha!! I so enjoyed seeing your family on the cute!
    I am glad you had a nice thanksgiving, we sure did..I love the calligraphy with the gold flecks too!

  2. This is wonderful! We recite Psalm 100 as a family each Thanksgiving. Someday I would like to letter it and give a reduced copy of it to each family member. If I could do it half as well as you, I'd be pleased!
