
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Another Background

It's just a background that I really like taken from techniques from the Paulette Insall Organic Dimensions online class. I like the nice colors and I did hand letter the top in gouache. I don't have a plan for it yet.  I just lettered the top to see how the gouache would do on the acrylic---and it does great. You can't letter gouache (opaque watercolor) over watercolor though. It will spread. Not good for lettering!


  1. Hi Martha! This is Sue K from Paulette Insalls' classes. We have been taking the same classes from her. I absolutely love your work! Been checking out your blog and Etsy! You are so talented. Anyway, this is the only way I could figure out how to contact you personally. I have a question for you. I found Michelle Browns' Blog through yours, and was wondering if you got a lot out of her class? I am thinking of taking it and wanted to see what you had to say about it. I have all the supplies, books etc. about watercolors and have yet to paint anything. I thought her class might get me moving!! LOL
    I'll check back later on and see if you answer. Sorry about taking up space on your blog, but didn't know how else to get in touch. Thanks a million! Hugs, Sue Krei

  2. Hey Sue! Welcome to my blog! So glad you found me. I absolutely love Michelle Brown's class in watercolor. But it would be a good idea to make sure you really like the free and "splish- splash" way she paints. I love it and it's harder than you think!!! But I highly recommend her class and I am loving it. She is precious and I love her accent. Let me know what you do!

  3. I really like the way you incorporate scripture in your pieces. I often pray about a piece and sometimes my answers come in dreams as well.

  4. Oh my, this is beautiful. I LOVE the colors and your lettering is so perfect and stunning on this piece. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  5. This is so lovely. I can't decide if I see Poppies on this page or a little girl with butterflies. Butterflies are such a joy to watch fluttering about.

  6. Howdy Martha,

    I just love your work.

    And this piece has so much texture! Gorgeous colors, and wonderful lettering, as usual.

