
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday Stuff

I just put the beeswax over my girl and the charcoal pencil that I used smeared---yikes!  I almost ruined her face because the charcoal pencil I used to outline colored the beeswax and well, you can imagine. It was fairly scrape-able though. Lori, I am still the queen of scrape! (Little calligraphic inside joke there)  So---learn something new every day. But the area where I had the birds looks really  great because I had not used the pencil there. Next time I won't use the pencil, although it gives a great smudged outline--- but I didn't want it smudged that much. Maybe I can fix it with workable fixative first. I'll have to play with it and see. The beeswax deepens and makes the colors richer. It's fun---and it's aroma therapy.  Art therapy + aroma therapy= HEAVEN!

Scroll down to see the girl---before I smudged her face!


  1. my've been busy as a little bee with your beeswax! i love the way you finished your girl...the birdies look great! and, you've been redecorating...great new look! (and thanks sweet girl for the link!)

  2. Just checking in---almost your special day.

  3. Hey Beth, I almost missed your comment---yes it is coming fast.
